Kelis ha reso noto l’appuntamento su Netflix con un post Instagram, tra le altre cose la serie debutterà il 4/20… e non poteva essere altrimenti. Il primo show cooking sulla cannabis è in arrivo per il gigante dello streaming.
“Interestingly, this was one of those things that I didn’t go looking for, it kind of came to me. As a chef, I was intrigued by the food and as an everyday person, I was interested in how powerful this topic is in today’s society. In this country, many things have been used systematically to oppress groups of people, but this is so culturally important for us to learn and grow together. I hope you all will tune in, it’s definitely going to be a good time!”
Intanto ricordati che c’è questo doppio vinile in ristampa da comprare per il 20° anniversario del suo debutto discografico.

Info: http://beattobe.com/kaleidoscope-di-kelis-festeggia-20-anni-con-la-ristampa/